Valpolicella Classico Superiore Poiega 2018
The blend is 65% Corvina, 10% Corvinone, 20% Rondinella and 5% Molinara (aged 18 months in French oak). Grapes used to make this wine are dried for approximately 40 days, giving this wine extra extract and intensity.
Additional information
Land | Italien |
Typ | Rött |
Sortiment | Ordervara |
Lanseringsstatus | Lanserad |
Ursprungsbeteckning | Italien > Venetien > Valpolicella Superiore DOC |
Lagerstatus | Tillfälligt slut |
Druvor | Corvina, Corvinone, Molinara, Rondinella |
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Categories: Fruktigt & Smakrikt, Roberto Mazzi
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Säljstart: 2017-08-07