Amarone 2019
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This is a dark and thickly extracted red wine from Northeast Italy. The Amarone della Valpolicella Classico is a plump and juicy wine with extra layers of blackberry and dark cherry intensity. This is a soft wine in terms of mouthfeel with sweet tannins and broad texture. The blend is 65% Corvina Veronese, 25% Rondinella and 10% Corvinone.
Additional information
Land | Italien |
Typ | Rött |
Sortiment | Ordervara |
Lanseringsstatus | Lanserad |
Ursprungsbeteckning | Italien > Venetien > Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG |
Lagerstatus | Tillfälligt slut |
Druvor | Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella |
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Categories: Brunelli, Kryddigt & Mustigt
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Säljstart: 2019-03-11